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The story you tell yourself about yourself is the most important story you tell…

The narratives we construct about ourselves shape our outlook on the world and impact how we position ourselves in society. This page offers a little insight into some pop my story.


BFA, Savannah College of Art and Design (2003, cum laude)
MA, Dallas Theological Seminary (2008)
DLS, Southern Methodist University (2023, summa cum laude)

Current Studies

Academic: My current academic work is at Southern Methodist University pursuing a doctoral degree. My area of focus is on the epistemology of ignorance and language of white supremacy within both a critical theorist and a liberation theological framework. I’m seeking to articulate why groups of people operate in a way that is oblivious to the structures that shape our experience. Additionally, I’m researching the ways in which the human condition has manifested a hierarchal understanding of our social experience, commonly called white supremacy, and the ascendency of white bodies over and against BIPOC.


Professional: My day job focuses on marketing/communication using print, web, videography, and photography, in both the non-profit and for-profit spaces.


Personal: I was born in Detroit, Michigan and grew up in the suburbs. I enjoy a well made Old Fashioned, debating comic book superheroes and villains, listening to as much music as possible, and reading the whole Internet. My life and work are dedicated to eliminating hierarchies, lessening oppression, and caring for my neighbors. Or to put it another way: Do justice. Love mercy. Walk humbly with God.

Previously, I co-hosted a podcast from 2016-2021 called WeTalkDifferent (WTD), a podcast that explored the intersection of race, ethnicity, and gender in culture, politics, and theology

Child standing at the bottom of stone staircase looking at the first step

Epistemologies of Ignorance: A Primer

| Epistemology, Featured, Front Page, Hermeneutics | No Comments
Following the legal changes of the Civil Rights era, white supremacy moved from a de jure reality—something codified through law—to a de facto reality—something that…

The Stories We Tell Ourselves

| Dallas, Front Page, Segregation, Stories, White Supremacy | No Comments
From my time as 1/3 of the mighty WTD Crew this is a talk I gave in July 2019 about my oft repeated mantra: the…
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The work of the eyes is done. Go now and do the heart-work on the images imprisoned within you.

— Rainer Maria Rilke
About RL Holmes

Born in Detroit
Trained in Savannah
Doctoring in Dallas

Twitter @uthatwhiteguy